Woodland Burial Costs

General background information on Woodland Burial Costs

General rule of thumb

As a useful starting guide it would be fair to say that woodland burial total cost will usually be less than a traditional burial or cremation. However, as is always the case, the precise costs will depend on the particular circumstances and could range from £500 to several thousand pounds depending on the site.

By comparison - traditional burial costs

Average costs by area across the UK - 2020

London £4,391

West Midlands £2,077

Yorkshire and the Humber £1,928

Scotland £1,650

North West £1,729

Wales £1,686

North East £1,706

East of England £1,386

South East £1,537

East Midlands £1,249

South West £1,287

Northern Ireland £520


Woodland burial cost examples:

Random UK examples as useful links:

Concise up to date price list for Oxton, Nottinghamshire and Ketton Park, Rutland

Low cost natural burial and cremation comparison South Yorkshire and Derbyshire

Reference to plot prices and other background on green burials Devon and Cornwall


Further useful natural burial references:

Refers to costs and approaches the subject from the angle of burial being a celebration of the departed's life: Later life

Alternative burials give hope to woodland areas: Planning Resource